Periodontal Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR)

Periodontal Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) is a specialized dental procedure used to promote the regeneration of lost bone and periodontal (gum) tissues in cases of advanced periodontal disease or gum tissue loss. GTR aims to create an environment that encourages the growth of new bone and tissue while preventing the infiltration of fast-growing soft tissue cells that could impede proper regeneration. This procedure involves the use of barrier membranes and may also incorporate bone grafts or other regenerative materials.

Here's an overview of the periodontal guided tissue regeneration process:

Procedure Steps:

1. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A thorough examination, including clinical assessments and possibly imaging, is conducted to evaluate the extent of periodontal damage and determine the appropriate treatment approach.

2. Surgical Steps:

1). The affected area is carefully cleaned and prepared for surgery. This may involve the removal of diseased tissue and thorough scaling and root planing.

2). Barrier Membrane Placement: A biocompatible barrier membrane (often made of synthetic materials or collagen) is placed over the cleaned root surface to create a physical barrier between the root surface and the surrounding gum tissue. This prevents fast-growing gum tissue cells from invading the area, allowing slower-growing bone cells to populate the space instead.

3). Bone Graft or Regenerative Material Placement: If necessary, a bone graft or regenerative material may be placed in the defect to stimulate bone growth and support tissue regeneration. This helps fill the void left by bone loss.

4). Membrane Stabilization: The barrier membrane is secured in place, often with sutures, to ensure it stays in position during the initial healing phase.

3. Healing and Regeneration: Over time, the barrier membrane prevents the soft tissue from occupying the defect, allowing bone cells to regenerate. The body's natural healing processes, along with the influence of the barrier membrane and any additional regenerative materials, encourage the growth of new bone and periodontal tissues.

4. Follow-Up Appointments: Post-operative appointments are scheduled to monitor healing and tissue regeneration progress. Sutures and the barrier membrane, if not resorbable, may be removed during subsequent visits.


Benefits of Periodontal GTR:


  • Tissue Regeneration: GTR promotes the regeneration of lost bone and gum tissues, which can improve the structural and functional aspects of the affected area.

  • Preservation of Space: The barrier membrane helps maintain a suitable environment for bone cells to grow without being hindered by fast-growing soft tissue.

  • Reduced Pocket Depth: GTR can lead to a reduction in pocket depth, which improves gum health and makes maintenance easier.

  • Aesthetic Improvement: Successful GTR can lead to improved aesthetic outcomes by restoring lost gum tissue and bone, resulting in a more natural-looking smile.

  • Long-Term Benefits: When successful, the benefits of GTR can be long-lasting, contributing to overall oral health and stability.




  • Periodontal GTR is typically performed by periodontists or oral surgeons with expertise in periodontal regeneration.

  • The success of GTR depends on factors such as patient health, proper technique, and post-operative care.

  • Not all cases of periodontal disease require GTR. The treatment plan is tailored to the specific needs of the patient and the severity of the condition.


If you are facing advanced periodontal disease and bone loss, consult with a periodontist to discuss whether guided tissue regeneration is an appropriate treatment option for you. They can evaluate your situation and provide recommendations based on your oral health needs.



