Periodontal Emergencies

In the context of periodontics, emergencies can arise due to sudden complications related to gum disease, oral infections, post-operative issues, or trauma. It's important to recognize and address periodontal emergencies promptly to prevent further complications and ensure optimal oral health.

Here are some examples of periodontal emergencies and how to respond:
1. Acute Gum Infection (Acute Periodontal Abscess):
Symptoms: Swelling, severe pain, localized warmth, pus discharge, fever.
Response: Rinse the mouth gently with warm saltwater. Avoid pressing on the affected area. Contact us as soon as possible for evaluation and potential drainage of the abscess.
2. Post-Operative Bleeding:
Symptoms: Continuous or excessive bleeding after a dental procedure.
Response: Apply gentle pressure using a clean, damp gauze or cloth to the bleeding area. Avoid spitting forcefully or using a straw. If the bleeding doesn't stop or becomes severe, contact us immediately.
3. Gum Trauma:
Symptoms: Bleeding, swelling, pain, or damage to the gums due to injury.
Response: Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater. Apply a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Seek dental evaluation to assess the extent of the injury.
4. Loose or Dislodged Dental Implant or Restoration:
Symptoms: Dental implant or restoration feels loose or moves.
Response: Avoid using the affected area for chewing. Contact us immediately for assessment and appropriate treatment.
5. Severe Gum Pain or Discomfort:
Symptoms: Intense gum pain, discomfort, and swelling.
Response: Rinse with warm salt water and gently floss around the area to remove debris. Over-the-counter pain relievers may provide temporary relief. Contact us for evaluation.
6. Swelling or Infection After Periodontal Surgery:
Symptoms: Swelling, pain, redness, or fever following periodontal surgery.
Response: Follow post-operative instructions carefully. Rinse with warm salt water as advised. If symptoms worsen or if you develop a fever, contact us promptly.
7. Lost or Damaged Periodontal Splint:
Symptoms: A periodontal splint (used to stabilize loose teeth) becomes damaged or dislodged.
Response: Avoid applying pressure to the affected area. Contact our office  for guidance on whether the splint needs to be replaced or repaired.

If you experience any of these periodontal emergencies, it's crucial to contact our office as soon as possible. We can provide guidance, recommend appropriate interventions, and ensure that you receive the necessary care to manage the emergency situation effectively. If you're unable to reach us at a regular dental hour, consider seeking treatment at an emergency dental clinic or hospital, especially if the condition is severe or causing significant discomfort.
