Lip Reposition

Lip repositioning is a dental procedure performed to address a "gummy smile," where a significant portion of the upper gums and teeth are exposed when a person smiles. This condition can cause aesthetic concerns for some individuals. Lip repositioning aims to achieve a more balanced and pleasing smile by limiting the amount of gum tissue that is visible when smiling.

Here's an overview of the lip repositioning procedure:
1. Consultation: The first step involves a consultation with a dentist or a specialist, often a periodontist or a cosmetic dentist. They will evaluate your smile, assess the amount of gum tissue exposed, and discuss your goals and expectations.

2. Treatment Planning: Based on the evaluation, the dentist will determine if you are a suitable candidate for lip repositioning. They will explain the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks.

3. Local Anesthesia: On the day of the procedure, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the area around the upper lip and gums to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

4. Surgical Incision: A small incision is made in the upper lip, usually near the junction between the lip and gums. The incision may be on one or both sides of the mouth, depending on the patient's anatomy and needs.

5. Lip Repositioning: The dentist will carefully adjust the position of the lip by removing a portion of the muscle and tissue that contributes to the excessive gum exposure when smiling.

6. Suturing: Once the desired repositioning is achieved, the incision is sutured (stitched) to promote proper healing.

7. Recovery and Follow-Up: Recovery time is relatively short. You may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and possibly some bruising for a few days. The dentist will provide post-operative instructions, including how to care for the incision site and manage any discomfort.
Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your healing progress and ensure there are no complications.

Benefits of Lip Repositioning:
1. Improved Aesthetics: Lip repositioning helps reduce the amount of gum tissue that is visible when smiling, resulting in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

2. Minimally Invasive: The procedure is relatively simple and minimally invasive, with a short recovery period.

3. Long-Lasting Results: Lip repositioning can provide long-lasting results, enhancing your smile for years to come.

Considerations: Lip repositioning is not suitable for everyone. It is essential to have a thorough consultation with a qualified dental professional to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. While lip repositioning can address a gummy smile caused by the lip position, it may not be the appropriate solution for cases where the gummy smile is primarily due to an underlying skeletal issue, which may need orthognathic surgery. 
